Sunday, May 18, 2014

Homespun Stars

When I asked Nicole if she wanted me to make a quilt for her and Andrew, she promptly said, "Yes!" She paged through several of my quilting patterns and books. But her search ended abruptly when she came across this pattern. Her words were, "It is so me!" And what fun I had putting it together for them!  
The wedding is less than three weeks away! We are all getting so excited!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

One College Graduation...After Another...After Another

This spring three members of our family received their college degrees.
The first graduate was our daughter, Carla, who graduated with a Business degree from Ohio State.

There were 10,200 graduates at OSU, but less than 8,000 walked. They just kept coming and coming!

They walked all the way across the stadium to their assigned places.

They had quite the pattern, but it all worked out!

They pretty much filled up that side of the stadium.

Soldiers ready to raise the flag.

And she flies!

Carla is waving to us in this photo. The business graduates were seated in a section below us. (There were over 1000 of them.)


The graduates filing to get their diplomas.

Congratulations, Carla!

Carla poses in front of the buildings where her education occurred.


Five days later we attended Ryan's graduation from Southwestern Community College in Creston, Iowa. In contrast to Ohio State, there were less than 100 graduates, which was nice because the ceremony didn't last longer than one hour.


Ryan majored in Ag ~ Crop Production to be exact.

I actually got him to pose for me!

Filing out. Can you find Ryan? Pretty much in the center.

An informal pic with his dad, Andrew, and Nicole.

The next day we went to Ames, Iowa, to attend Nicole's graduation at Iowa State University. The first two rows are filled with her cheering committee. ;)

I don't know how many graduates there were. Just guessing maybe 3000. The first ones to enter were the Ag students, which was Nicole's major.

There were over 600 of them.

We spotted Nicole early on. She is at the end of the next to the last row.
More graduates enter.

They pretty much filled up the floor and sides.

Hugs from her brother, Brody, while other brother, Blake looks on.

Andrew and Nicole.
Congratulations to all of you!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Celtic Solstice Is Finished!

This is the first time I participated in an online mystery quilt, and I loved it! I am already looking forward to Bonnie Hunter's  mystery quilt for 2014.
I decided to make my quilt 8 blocks by 10 blocks to make it large enough for a full size bed. Lots of tiny pieces inside the border ~ 3200 if I figured accurately!

It took me 3 and a half weeks to hand quilt this one, whereas I usually figure on a quilt taking two weeks to hand quilt. Some will go a day or two over, while others may be a day or two shy.