Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Finished Quilt

Last spring when rains after rains came our way, I tackled my tote containing greens and purples. Out of that tote emerged five quilts. (A few more potentially remain.) These quilts are intended for giving away. When my brother-in-law and his family experienced a house fire a couple months ago, I knew I wanted to get a quilt quilted for them. So I chose this one, a double four patch.
It sounds like their house is coming along nicely now, and inside work is being done. However, my sister-in-law just had open heart surgery the day after Christmas. I think she is doing as well as can be expected. The stress from the house fire and all that goes with that contributed to her need to have the surgery. This family has had almost more than their share, we would think. They are an inspiration to us as they hold on to the One who has seen them through hard times in the past, and they know He will continue to be faithful to them.

So this quilt is for them, if they still need it. I know they received much from local people. We long to go and help them, but my men are currently busy with a huge building project. When they catch up with that, perhaps we can make the trip to Pennsylvania!

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