Monday, October 14, 2013

Corn Harvest 2013

While Andrew was off taking engagement pictures with Nicole, harvest continued. Ryan waits for the signal to catch up with Noah for a hopper load of shelled corn.

Ryan testing the corn for moisture content.

The combine appears in the distance.

The auger out means the hopper is full. (And you can see it is indeed full.)

Ryan to the rescue.

Unloading onto the grain cart.

I hopped into the combine and rode with Noah a few minutes. Here the corn header is separating the ears from the stalk and shelling them. We had some trouble with downed cornstalks this year, which means slower going for the combine. A farmer needs to avoid waste as much as possible if he is to make a profit.

The clouds that had moved in earlier in the day began to release their moisture, so Noah decided it would be best to get the equipment moved out of the weather as quickly as possible.

So even though the hopper wasn't full, he emptied it into the grain cart, and from there, Ryan emptied it into the semi.

Back at the farm, Noah opens the thing that lets down the grain into the elevator.

Making sure everything is lined up properly.

This is what the farmer waits for all year ~ the harvest.

The auger takes the corn into the grain bin for storage until we need it for feed for the hogs.